Cigar Long KARASU

Based on the crow painting from Yosa Buson’s signature work, “Kite and Crow”, it is expressed in Yako Makie.
The old tree and two crows were drawn using “Yako Maki-e” technique, and the snow is drawn by silver powder.
And branches of old tree covered with snow is drawn on the grip section using also “Yako Maki-e” technique.
Using “Yako Maki-e” technique made it possible to successfully express a calm and somber atmosphere of Ink brush painting (sumi-e).
The base color is “Aka-tamenuri”.
“Yako Maki-e” is Nakaya’s original name for the technique that drawing motifs with black lacquer on “tamenuri” base. As the Tamenuri background becomes brighter over time, the black lacquered motifs become more apparent.

$ 2,400
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Weight 24.0g
Length 170.0mm
Diameter 15.0mm
Material Ebonite
Product No. 17013-CL5-35