Original Design Fountain Pen Order Inquiry
We accept Original Design Fountain Pen Orders with prices starting at US$5,000.
If you would like to change the base color or add a motif to a custom-ordered product, please contact us using the Product inquiry form.

Order form

Send the form for ordering a fountain pen of your original maki-e design with image data of the colors, designs, and patterns you want attached.
(You can use only the colors we offer for our custom-made fountain pens). Our staff will get back to you later.

    Design Specifications

    Please provide as much detail as possible about your design preferences.

    I am wondering if you can produce a fountain pen with the symbol tree in our garden used as a motif for cherishing precious memories of our family.
    I attach pictures of our symbol tree. I entrust you with which technique to use, but I would like you to use a color inspired by the blue sky for the base color.

    If you have any preferred colors or patterns, please upload any reference files.

    Attach reference files.
    Attach reference files.
    Attach reference files.

    Writing Chart

    [group new-karte-group]
    1. How strong is your writing pressure?
    2. Which point of a pen do you hold when you write?
    3. How fast do you write?
    4. What size of letters do you write in?
    5. What font do you use?
    6. How do you hold a pen (at what angle)?
    7. What direction do you hold (twist) a pen in?
    8. Which hand do you hold a pen with?
    [group past-karte-group]
    Order No. of the order(s) you placed in the past Required*If you do not have the order No. on hand, please choose “Create a new handwriting record.”
    Purchase date/time Required
    [group gift-group]
    Which hand does the recipient of your gift hold a pen with?

    Purchaser information

    First name
    Last name
    Company Name
    If you would like to have a receipt issued under a corporate name, please be sure to fill in the corporate name.
    Postal codeRequired
    Phone No.Required
    Email addressRequired
    Have you ever shopped at Nakaya?
    The item(s) you will purchase in this order is:
    You can get a box of blue-black cartridge ink (containing 10 cartridges).
    *Please purchase converters separately if you need any.

    About payment and the address of delivery

    Payment methodRequired
    Delivery AddressRequired
    [group delivery-group]

    Please enter the address of delivery when it differs from the address entered in the purchaser information section if you purchase it as a gift or for any other reasons.

    Name of the recipientRequired
    First name
    Last name
    Recipient's CountryRequired
    Recipient's State(region)Required
    Zip code of the address to deliver the productRequired
    Address to deliver the productRequired
    Phone No. of the address to deliver the product(s)Required


    years old